DIY Self-Driving - Build updates

Please Note: Unlike most of my projects which are fully complete before they are published, this project is as much a build diary as anything else. Whilst I am attempting to clearly document the processes, this is not a step-by-step guide, and later articles may well contradict earlier instructions. If you decide you want to duplicate my build, please read through all the relevant articles before you start. This post is an update to the build and testing article , rather than a brand new chapter. Because I learned a whole load of things during early testing I think it's worth sharing at this point: New Camera Mounting I was never happy with the way that the camera was literally stuck onto the car, because it just looked, well, wrong . In the end, I cut a slot into the bonnet (hood) just big enough to clear the camera down to the lens body. Still not perfect because I need to mould a cover, but better than blu-tak New camera mount and an acc...