Exploring Solar Power - Are sure the safety is on?

OK, so we are getting closer to reality here. Since the last article , I have made some small changes, which helped things out. Firstly, I added a 1000uF/63V filter capacitor to the battery output. This practically eliminated the serious "hunting" issue that caused the software to rapidly ramp PWM values up and down almost constantly. Next I added two relays to the control circuit. The first is a battery cutoff, which will disconnect the battery if it is above 15V or below 9V, as these would indicate some kind of fault has occurred. The other relay disconnects the solar panel on the same principal. If either of these events occur, the LCD indicates the nature of the fault. In order for battery monitoring to work effectively, the voltage divider must be located between the relay and the battery . This way the battery can be reconnected automatically when the fault clears. I have elected NOT to do this on the solar panel side as an over-voltage...